Monday, August 17, 2009

First Day of Homeschool 09

Today was our first day of homeschool for the 2009-2010 school year. We were all really excited to get started. After the usual morning breakfast time and chores, we headed outside for some excercise.
Here in Central Texas, it is best to get your outdoor activities done early in the morning. When I say early I mean 8am! So with baby Scout in his stroller and Pace and Brenya on their scooters, we set out for a moring adventure.

Along the way, the kids picked up flowers and rolly-pollies. What is the fascination with those bugs anyway?? I remember collecting those things when I was young too. I'd like to tell you that we listened to birds chirping, but I think it was already too hot for them. Instead we watched buzzards and hawks circle overhead. While up and down the street soldiers kissed their wives goodbye and headed off to work (Our neighborhood is 99.9% military).

When we got back home, my husband Jason (military also!) greeted me at the door. "Could you do something for me?" he asked. I held back a grone, thinking of how I needed to stay on schedule if I was going to get all the kids lessons and housework in for the day. "Sure!" I replied. And that's how I got the chore of watering our trees and flowers.

And wouldn't you know it- it turned out to be great. I put Scout in his new swing that Jason just installed and Brenya pushed him until Pace came out. Then Pace pushed Brenya and Scout while I gave the plants a good drink. Watching them play and laugh together made me so happy. It's just one of the reasons I choose to homeschool.

We started lessons at 9am. It look us about 2 hours. Brenya's lessons were actually only about 30 minutes. Afterword we played Alphabet Old Maid and then we had lunch. At 2pm we did our Science lesson, followed by Spanish.

The kids really enjoyed Spanish. They picked out Spanish names that they will use during our Spanish lessons throughout the year. Pace picked Rafael and Brenya picked Bellarosa. It was so funny to hear Brenya say, "My llama Bellarosa." Oh well-proper pronunciation will come with practice. Thanks to Dora, they both know how to pronounce rojo and azul.

All told a fun day of learning. Let's hope tomorrow goes just as well!

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